Counter Offers

In our career journeys, many of us have encountered the allure of a counter offer. It's fascinating to note that statistics indicate 80% of individuals who accept such offers eventually leave within 6 months.

Undoubtedly, switching jobs can be a daunting prospect, and the appeal of a promotion or pay raise to remain within our comfort zone is understandable. However, it's essential to navigate counter offers wisely. Here's how:

When considering a counter offer, remember why you initially contemplated a job change. If you sought a different company culture or desired new industry experiences, a mere pay raise won't address those underlying issues. Even if it's a salary increase you desire, have you explored this possibility with your current employer before embarking on your job search?

Imagine you're presented with a promotion. It sounds promising, but have you delved into the specifics of what it entails? Often, individuals hastily accept promotions without fully understanding the changes they entail. After a couple of months, they find themselves seeking new opportunities once again, as nothing substantial has truly changed.

Regardless of your decision, it's crucial to maintain honest and transparent communication with all parties involved. Burning bridges or jeopardising future prospects is something we should always strive to avoid.

It's important to note that counter offers can occasionally work out positively. However, the key advice here is to carefully evaluate any offers, avoiding hasty decisions.

Please get in touch and let us know what you think about counter offers...

Counter Offers